HPPA 552 – Final reflection on Clinical Correlations

The first few sessions of clinical correlations, I was confused, lost and unable to develop an appropriate differential diagnosis. However, as the semesters progressed and I learned more information in my other classes I was able to develop a differential. Furthermore, the variety of cases presented to us allowed me to improve my differential diagnosis in different specialities. It also emphasized the areas I was weak in and needed to improve.  Taking this class, throughout the didactic year, really helped me improve skills that I would require as a provider. I learned to think of differentials in a systematic fashion preventing me from missing any possible diagnoses. I also learned how to rank my differentials based on risk vs what is most likely the diagnosis. 

Presenting the given topics required research and this was done from reputable sources such as Up To Date, Osmosis, Merck Manual and Access Medicine. These were reliable and evidence based sources. Using these websites regularly made me understand what type of information is on each of them and how I can use them during clinicals. For instance, Osmosis will provide the anatomy, physiology, presentation, diagnosis of a disease in a video format.  Up To Date will provide me with more information related to treating the patient. It is more research based compared to Osmosis. I will easily be able to navigate through these sources in the clinical year. The presentations given by other students helped fill in the gaps I had about certain diseases, pathologies and medications. 

Clinical correlations allowed me to see medicine, through the perspective of actually practicing it. I was able to ask questions about the patient’s complaint as if I was actually conversing with the patient. I was also able to present the case and create an assessment and plan for the patient. It provided me with a reality – how it is practicing as  PA -C. I was able to hone my skill of eliciting impertinent information,  creating assessments/ plans and which labs/imaging is important to order. 

On a personal basis, being part of a smaller class where participation is necessary forced me to step out of my comfort zone and speak up. It allowed me to put my thoughts across without being judged if they were wrong and to fix my mistakes. Overall, I am now able to understand the importance of a differential diagnosis. Clinical correlation helped me approach creating a differential through a systemic fashion. Going through cases and creating a differential from just the chief complaint helped me understand what areas I lack knowledge in and need to review/study. Furthermore, going through each body part from head to toe would prevent me on rotations to not miss a possible diagnosis.I hope to use the skills I learned in this class during my clinical rotations.