Self Reflection

OBGYN rotation was a challenging but a great experience. I was scheduled to a different service each week which gave me exposure to a variety of different diagnoses and procedures. The first two weeks I spent in OB, third week GYN call and last two weeks I was in the clinic. The clinic consisted of providers that looked after OB and GYN patients.I thoroughly enjoyed the GYN call as it was in regards to patients that required evaluation in the ED. Almost all the patients required a thorough pelvic exam and TV Ultrasound. After the first two patients, I was able to do TV ultrasounds on my own without any assistance. I learned how to find the uterus, bladder, and find the gestational sac and fetal heart tones. I was able to use this skill in the womens option clinic. For the patients that came in for medical abortion an TVUS was conducted to check for an IUP. I was able to do a TVUS to assist the provider. An aspect that really impacted me was a patient that wanted an abortion at 13 weeks. When I did the TV US I could see the fetus was forming and saw  extremities being formed. It was really difficult for me at first to see that the patient wanted an abortion. However, it is important to understand that a patient’s wishes are key and providing patient centered care is my goal as a provider. During clinic, I learned techniques such as measuring fundal height, using leopold maneuvers, doing pelvic exams and using the fetal doppler.  It was also really challenging for me to see severe women that were pregnant and were victims of domestic abuse whether it be physical or emotional. I saw the providers listen to the patients’ concerns and try their best to ensure both mother and baby were not in danger. Although this rotation was challenging, it was also beautiful in its own way. I will continue to work on history and physicals, pelvic exams and providing patient centered care.