Site Evaluation

My site evaluator was Professor Maida. I presented 2 H&Ps, 10 pharm cards and a journal article. The first H&P was of a patient diagnosed with roseola, The second H&P I presented was in regards to a patient that was suspected to have testicular torsion. Since testicular torsion is an emergent case the patient was sent to the emergency room.We discussed how it is not necessary for trauma to occur before a patient gets testicular torsion and that the trauma can occur hours before the symptoms appear. We discussed how it is important to base the H&P from a pediatric perspective. It is important to note the social history and immunization records for pediatric patients. Knowing the patient’s social history can guide the provider towards a narrow differential diagnosis. Some important factors to ask are if the patient attends school, who he/she lives with and if they play any sports. Overall, I had a very constructive site evaluation.